After visiting the Postcards between Friends exhibition at Lingnan University, the curators of K11 Art Mall (TST, Hong Kong) proposed that a new exhibition of the collaborative postcards – designed and curated by a team of students who had participated in the project – be presented in the Art Cabinets at K11 Art Mall. The dates are February 4 – April 2, 2015.
The Postcards between Friends exhibition showcases the collaborative postcards made by the four classes of Lingnan University students who participated in drawing courses offered by the Visual Studies Department (2012 – 2014) alongside those that originally inspired them – works by their teacher and project initiator, Carol Archer, in collaboration with five Australian artist-friends: Anna Couani, Loene Furler, Kit Kelen, Virginia Shepherd and Sue Rawlinson. The K11 exhibition is curated by Visual Studies students Chan Chui Ling, Li Yuen Lam and Ma Wing Kei.「友愛明信片」展覽的展品包括嶺南大學視覺研究系2012至2014年之間四個繪畫班的學生作品,另有給予他們靈感的老師和項目發起人區勵志與安娜•古安烈、莉安•芙樂、客遠文、維吉尼亞•夏普特、蘇怡•羅玲臣等五位澳洲藝術家的協作繪畫作品。這次在K11的展覽是由視覺研究系學生陳翠玲、李宛霖和馬穎琪策劃。
Click on Ling Chan’s cool video to see the curatorial team setting up the exhibition.