The “Elsewhere Project: Home” (2012-) is a collaborative work in progress. It consists of a series of mixed media postcards produced by Carol Archer, Kit Kelen, Anna Couani, Loene Furler, Virginia Shepherd, Sue Rawlinson. The cards are produced by the following procedure: one artist begins a card and mails it to another artist in the group, who completes it, and returns it (with a new address and stamp) to the sender. The “rules of the game” are simple: the theme is “home”, the size is A5, a line of text may be included on the card, and both artists’ work (along with stamps and addresses) are included on the same side of the work. Since Markwell is home for Archer and Kelen, many of the cards reflect on their local environment. The work in progress was exhibited in the inaugural Step-up exhibition held in the War Memorial Hall in Bulahdelah, N.S.W. (Australia) in July 2012.